your mind and body?

It’s time to cut that yo-yo weight loss and regain your power!

If you’re looking to lose weight (and keep it off), move more, become stronger emotionally and physically, it’s time for us to work together. Come be a part of the Better Together tribe of determined women!

Women Lifting Women Up

Our newly updated 8-week program will bring you through 6 themes that will help you build a strong foundation for sustainable weight loss and lifetime practices. Within each theme, we cover nutrition, movement, and lifestyle practices on a daily basis. You are connected to us throughout the entire 8 weeks!

Enrollment Open - New Group Session Starts: April 1, 2024

This 8 week program runs only 3 times a year: in April, August, October. Each 8 week season has a private and active Facebook group dedicated to providing clients with daily interactions and activities. Zoom sessions/check-ins are also conducted weekly! We keep the enrollment small in order to ensure personalized coaching and discussion.

8-Week Sign Up

Our follow-up session can be weekly or monthly check-ins to talk about your progress and discuss any questions or concerns.

Specialty Programs

Throughout the year, Better Together offers specialty programs to meet client needs. This is a VIP subscription service available to those who complete our 8-week or 12-week program. This monthly subscription allows you to continue your weight loss and maintenance journey and provides that extra accountability and opportunity to maintain that small group relationship with your peers.

Navigating the Holidays - is an 8 week "fun" program that takes place from the end of October (think...Halloween) thru to New Years Eve. We provide loads of strategies on planning and preparing for those food centered holidays, celebrations, and parties. Don't let all of your hard work and discipline fall to the wayside - anticipate, plan and plan us as we navigate through Halloween, Thanksgiving, office parties, Christmas, etc.

During the year, between "seasons" we offer a free 5-day introduction to Better Together. In the Eat Better Challenge, we focus on several habits that you can start right away, including moving more, hydration, and food awareness. This is a great preview of what how our 8-week program works.

1:1 Private Coaching

All of our coaches are nutrition certified through Precision Nutrition and are available for private coaching. This is an excellent compliment to our 8-week program, as well as being a great way to have a private program with 1:1 coaching interaction. Nutrition, fitness and life coaching are our domains of expertise.

Interested? But want more information? One of our coaches will reach out to you!