HURRY! We begin our journey on

Monday, September 4, 2023


12 Week Nutrition & Wellness Program

Better Together:

Women Lifting Women Up


12 Weeks with 3 Certified Nutrition

and Health Coaches

We intentionally keep our enrollments small in order to grow a client-centered supportive group of women, who lift each other up as each of you work on your own individual goals. You may want to lose weight, or get in better shape, or change those behaviors that hold you back. If so, come and join us!



Discover your assets and develop goals to work towards over the next 12 weeks.


Soothing the Inner Critic

Do you find yourself making great strides only to come to a screeching halt as you near the goal and suddenly you are back at square one? You will learn strategies to to help you cross that finish line!



Work, friends, family, nutrition, exercise, sleep all battle for your attention and time. You will learn how to balance all segments without losing yourself along the way.


Momentum and Sustainability

Growth is a lifetime event. Learn how to maintain the gains that you have made and how to keep your personal development on the rise.



Over the 12 weeks we will take on multiple challenges. Recognizing and celebrating even the small of steps forward is an acquired skill that women don't use on themselves enough. We will practice the art of celebration throughout our 12 weeks together and will reinforce the successes together.


What is Better Together about?


Eating better and healthier is an acquired and mindful skill. Whether your goal is to lose weight, maintain, or gain healthy nutritional understanding and practices, we have you covered.


If you want to get moving, participate more, train for an event, or simply want to slow down that physical aging process, the next 12 weeks will provide your with many strategies and helpful practices.


Developing sound and healthy habits underlies all of our interactions and pursuits. In the course of 12 weeks, we will explore the whys of what we do now and how we can improve on our emotional and behavioral journies.

How it Works

Over the course of 12 weeks, Coach Sta, Coach Mic and Coach Annette provide weekday posts in our Better Together: Women Lifting Women Up private Facebook group. Each day starts with coach's corner topic that focuses on one of the following: goal setting, eat better nutrition, prep and planning, behavioral exploration, and exercise/movement. Participants benefit the most when they share their experiences and knowledge, post often, ask questions and show support for each other.

Once a week, the coaches will host either a FB Live (during a first week of a new theme) or host a Zoom get together (to review the theme being concluded). These are recorded and available on the FB group. This is an "action" program. Your success is directly related to your willingness to apply and practice the concepts and assignments being offered.

Be fearless! Come and join us on the marvelous journey to a healthier and happier you!


Meet the Coaches

Coach Mic

FIT Muscle and Body, LLC

Hi, I'm Michelle – or Coach Mic!

Having gone through my own personal transformation, I know first-hand how proper nutrition and recovery can lead to optimal performance in all aspects of my life.

Through the years, I have gained knowledge and insight on how to live a happy well-balanced life, and I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with other women.

What I have come to understand about my journey now is that losing weight was only a small part of the transformation.  The confidence and belief in myself that I gain as a result of setting a weight-loss goal and accomplishing  it has led me to do things I never thought I could! 

My goal now is to help and support other women meet their goals and gain self-love and self-confidence.

Coach Sta

SEPort Fitness & Life Coaching, LLC

Hi, I'm Stasia (Lola to my Bahston Divah running pals) or Coach Sta!

What I truly love the most is helping people to realize their better self, to become adept, proud and authentic in their lives. Having spent a career as an educator, I was able to work with students, families, teachers, support staff, and my administrative colleagues. And in retirement, the journey continues.

In 2014 my job was eliminated, and I turned to food for comfort. My weight ballooned to 250 pounds and I simply was not a happy person living their best life. It was time for a change. By 2017, I dropped close to 90 pounds and completed the Chicago and Marine Corps marathons in a 2 week span of time.

I have a unique skillset and wisdom that I acquired while being a lifelong learner and coach. Wellness, nutrition, fitness, and realizing your true potential and value are within your reach, Thanks for joining us on this journey!

Coach Annette

Certified Precision Nutrition-1
Physical Therapy

Hi, I’m Annette 

Like many women I have struggled with weight and fitness for much of my adult life. While I committed to living my best life in my 40s and achieved many of my fitness goals I still struggled with my weight.

I tried every diet that came along. I was successful at losing but could never quite reach my goal would give up and quickly regain and often times end up heavier than before. 

This year I started working with Coaches Mic and Sta. I honestly signed up to support my friend Mic in her new endeavor and assumed this would end the same as all the other “diets” I had tried. Not only did I reach my goal I have maintained for over 6 months!

I’ve learned that the key to success and maintenance is lifestyle change. I recently became a certified nutrition coach and my background is Physical Therapy. I’m passionate about helping other women achieve their goals and excited to join coaches Mic and Sta on this journey!